This document is concluded under the terms of the Master Services Agreement between HUGE TNS
and the Customer, and these terms and the Master Services Agreementshall be read as one agreement.
Capitalised terms not defined herein have the same meaning as defined in the HUGE Master Services

1. Resale of Service
Resale is not permitted.

2. Definitions

2.1. “Access Circuit” means a fibre circuit at the Customer’s selected premises.
2.2. “Contended” means that multiple users are sharing the same network capacity. Contention ratios are
based on the individual design of the third-party fibre access network over which the HUGE Service is
delivered. Access Circuit speeds are symmetrical.
2.3. “Unshaped” means that HUGE does not prioritise or differentiate between different classes of traffic.
2.4. “Uncapped” has the meaning as set out in the ISPA guideline on broadband terminology published at
3. General
3.1. The Service provides Internet access by transmitting and delivering IP packets between the Customer’s computers connected on the HUGE Network by means of the Access Circuit and other networks in accordance with its standard business arrangements with providers of such other networks.
3.2. Web-based speed-tests are not reliable and will not be accepted as conclusive proof of nonperformance by HUGE.

4. Throughput Rates and IP Access

4.1. Access to, and across, the HUGE IP Network is at the maximum throughput rates set forth in the HUGE
MSA and/or Customer Order. Maximum throughput rates are not guaranteed.
4.2. Due to the nature of the Internet, HUGE can only control IP throughput rates from the user network
interface of the equipment to the point of interconnection between the HUGE Network and the

5. Data Accumulation

5.1. Unused Capped rolls over to the following months to a maximum of 6 times the base data allocation.
5.2. Customers who downgrade the service will lose any accumulated data
5.3. Customers who terminate a capped data Service will lose any accumulated data.

6. Access Circuit

6.1. HUGE or the network operator supplies, configures and tests the Access Circuit.
6.2. Each network operator defines its own standard installation. If a non-standard installation, reinstallation or any move of equipment is required, the Customer shall be responsible for the costs of
any facilities, extra cabling, additional trenching and other expenses that is necessary to install the
Access Circuit. Such costs shall either be charged by the relevant network operator directly to the
Customer, or through HUGE, depending on the business model of the network operator.
6.3. At any point after installation of an Access Circuit, HUGE shall be entitled to replace the Customer’s
Access Circuit with any other Access Circuit provided that:
6.3.1. The replacement of an Access Circuit does not result in the Customer incurring any additional
charges; and
6.3.2. The quality of the new Access Circuit is equal or better than the replaced Access Circuit.

7. Equipment

7.1. The equipment will be provisioned with a standard configuration in respect of the ordered Service.
7.2. You must identify a suitable location for the equipment. The location must be dry, free from vibration and well ventilated. Installation is only possible if the distance from the termination point of the Access Circuit and a 220V energy supply to the position the equipment is not greater than 2 metres.
7.3. In the event of failure of the equipment, HUGE will repair or replace (at HUGE’s discretion) the
equipment where such failure is covered by the warranty of the original equipment manufacturer.
Where the equipment is replaced, you must return the original equipment to HUGE.
7.4. You accept liability for any costs incurred by HUGE as a result of repair or replacement of equipment where the equipment failure was caused by your use, misuse or changes to the equipment, other than as previously agreed to in writing by HUGE.
7.5. HUGE will retain the password for the equipment. Responsibility for the IP configuration of the service configuration lies with HUGE.
7.6. Ownership of the equipment vests in the HUGE. Equipment is not subject to a rent-to-own contract.
8. IP Addresses HUGE will dynamically assign IP addresses from HUGE allocated blocks obtained from AfriNIC. Any IP address allocated by HUGE to you remains the property of HUGE and you will have a non-transferable licence to use such addresses for a limited time.

9. Security

You acknowledge that the logical and physical security measures in relation to the Services are your
sole responsibility HUGE will not be held liable for any losses arising out of security breaches of your

10. Disclaimer

HUGE will in no event be liable for lost or interrupted data, messages, packets, or other information
transmitted to or from third party networks, if the loss or interruption takes place outside of the HUGE

11. Promotional Pricing

11.1. Any advertised promotional pricing which may be offered from time to time, is done so at the discretion
of HUGE.
11.2. Promotional pricing is subject to availability, either from the upstream network operator or HUGE and may be withdrawn at any time without notice.

12. Cancellation Terms

12.1. Customer must give one clear calendar month notice of his/her intention to cancel the Service.
Cancellations must be sent to Huge in writing.
12.2. If a cancellation in terms of clause 16.1 above results in the termination of Service prior to the
expiration date of a fixed term agreement, then HUGE shall be entitled to levy a termination fee equal
to the fees that would have become due and payable in respect of the balance of the contract term.
12.3. If Customer terminates an Access Circuit prior to it being activated by HUGE or prevents HUGE from activating the Access Circuit after it has been ordered, then the Customer shall be liable to HUGE for any installation and other charges that it is liable to pay the network operator.
Use of the Service is subject to HUGE Acceptable Use Policy (‘AUP’), which may be located at